Portable Fire Extinguishers S1 – Foundational Basics | VLI | 09.30.22

The Fire Extinguishers Series is designed to provide attendees an overview of how Fire Extinguishers became important, product information, information on standards, codes and the enforcement of them, maintenance and inspection, as well as the selection and calculation of extinguisher coverage.

Segment 1: Learn the basic principles of Fire Extinguishers, the fundamentals of fire, fire extinguisher basics, using fire extinguishers, standards, codes, enforcement, product testing, ratings, labeling, and the general effectiveness of fire extinguishers.

  • ICC # 24691, CEUs: 0.15, Contact hours: 1.5

Segment 2: A general overview regarding the installation, inspection, and maintenance requirements of Portable Fire Extinguishers.

  • ICC # 24924, CEUs: 0.2, Contact hours: 2

Segment 3: A deeper dive into understanding Fire Extinguishers including how to determine the number of extinguishers installed based on occupancy hazard by explaining the proper selection and calculation process.

  • ICC # 24925, CEUs: 0.2, Contact hours: 2

After successful completion of all segments and materials, you will receive a Certificate of Completion for this course. 

Attendee Instructions: 

Invite to be sent by the FED Learning Center with the virtual training attendance link.

Students should log in 5 minutes before the start time to ensure an on-time start. Any student who misses more than 10% of the class will be asked to retake the class to be awarded the Certificate of Completion.

Schedule for the day of the course:

8 – 9:45 am (Segment 1)

10:30 – 12:30 pm (Segment 2)

2 – 4 pm (Segment 3)

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 1 Module
  • Course Certificate

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Matthew Dekerrie
Posted 2 years ago
user friendly

you were tested on what was learned on the course

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