Member Benefits
Member Access & Account Portal (FREE)
- Visibility of all personal activity, including Course History, Test Scores, Certificates, and CEUs
- Certificate storage and retrieval
- Can upload and store 3rd-party certificates
- Easy registration through Keychain AccessÂ
- Accessible from any device, from any location mobile or desktop
- Course access through self-pay or corporate sponsorship (employer)
- Two-way corporate and member verification
- Can initiate or discontinue corporate sponsorship (employer) at any time
Learning Environment
- Courses available: Hands-On, Virtual Live, and Virtual On-Demand
- All courses approved for CEUs from ICC
- Certifications and Certificates of Completion available
- Market specific and exclusive learning materials
- Ongoing access to course materials of completed courses
- All Hands-On courses 3rd-party proctored
- All courses include digital knowledge checks and quizzes
- Course access post-purchase (On-Demand)
- Learn at your own pace (On-Demand)