Our Accreditations

The FED Learning Center’s trainings are approved in several local jurisdictions and by the International Code Council (ICC).


The ICC is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions that include product evaluation, accreditation, technology, training, and certification. The Code Council’s codes, standards, and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable, and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide (https://www.iccsafe.org/about/who-we-are/). The ICC approves of the FED Learning Center’s content and, through them, we are able to provide contact training hours and CEUs.

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The FED Learning Center is a recognized training provider by the National Institute For Certification In Engineering Technologies (NICET). NICET is a global leader in providing recognition of qualified technology professionals who can reliably apply requisite principles and practices for the benefit and safety of the public (https://www.nicet.org/training/training-partners/).

State-To-State Approvals

Many of the FED Learning Center’s courses are approved for CEUs statewide. Check with the FEDLC about approvals in your state and always check with your local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to see if the FED Learning Center’s courses meet your state and/or local requirements.