Fire and Life Safety Education for Beginners | Automatic Sprinkler Systems | ODM


The Automatic Sprinkler Systems course is designed to provide attendees with an understanding of automatic sprinkler systems. This course will review sprinkler systems, provide detailed training on the codes and standards driving automatic sprinkler systems, the differences between each system and their respective purposes and drawbacks, learn about standpipe systems, fire hose valves, and the wet sprinkler inspection process.

ICC Course ID #:40049; 2.0 Contact Hours; 0.20 CEUs

Learning Group Name:
Seats: 1
Total: $35.00 Discounted price
Courses in this Learning Group


The Automatic Sprinkler Systems on demand course is designed to provide attendees with an understanding of automatic sprinkler systems. This course will review sprinkler systems, provide detailed training on the codes and standards driving automatic sprinkler systems, the differences between each system and their respective purposes and drawbacks, learn about standpipe systems, fire hose valves, and the wet sprinkler inspection process

Below are the topics covered within this class:

  • Standards, Codes, and Enforcement
  • Sprinklers: a historical perspective
  • Types of Fire Protection Systems
  • Components of a Sprinkler System
  • Evolution of the Fire Sprinkler
  • Sprinkler Head Components
  • Functions of Sprinklers
  • Types of Sprinklers
  • Classification of occupancies
  • Standpipe Types
  • Standpipe System Types:
  • Fire Hose Valves
  • Wet Sprinkler System Inspections
  • Standpipe Inspection Requirements

ICC Course ID #:40049; 2.0 Contact Hours; 0.20 CEUs