Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning | ODM


Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning provides participants an education on the foundational basics of commercial kitchen exhaust cleaning, the codes and standards that drive KEC, types of hoods and components, and the role a fire safety individual plays in the kitchen exhaust cleaning.

0.10 CEUs

ICC: #31080

Learning Group Name:
Seats: 1
Total: $50.00 Discounted price
Courses in this Learning Group


Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning provides participants an education on the foundational basics of commercial kitchen exhaust cleaning, the codes and standards that drive KEC, types of hoods and components, and the role a fire safety individual plays in the kitchen exhaust cleaning.

0.10 CEUs

ICC: #31080

Module 1: Foundational Basics (15 minutes)
• Kitchen exhaust cleaning foundational basics:
o Fundamentals of cleaning
o Types of Hoods
o Exhaust System Components

Module 2: Inspecting and Cleaning: (18 minutes)
• Standards & Codes
• Responsibility of Cleaning
• Inspection Frequency
• Cleanliness Tolerances
• Access doors
• Cleaning Solvents

Module 3: A Closer Look (18 minutes)
• Covers the essential steps for inspecting and cleaning kitchen exhaust systems, including:
o Pre-Inspection
o System Testing
o Device Inspection
o Safety Measures
o Solid Fuel Preparation
o Area Protection
o Worker Safety/Ladder use
o Chemical Handling
o Cleaning Methods & Triggers
o Duct Cleaning
o Access Panels
o Documentation